Emergency Loan Program
Please note: The emergency loan program is now closed. We are no longer accepting applications or donations.
The COVID-19 pandemic caught us all by surprise, and the reality is that most Americans have trouble covering an unexpected expense of $400. Government money can be slow-moving and involve complicated red tape—our community needs to fund itself now.
Flood’s Hall is organizing a community-sourced emergency fund for Chicago neighbors in need.
We provide short-term, interest-free loans to address immediate need and protect our neighbors from predatory lenders.
“I was told to stop driving because I have a compromised immune system. I no longer have any supplemental income.”
“ I am a single parent and also take care of my mother, who has been battling some health issues... [It] is very stressful and we have been struggling to stay current with bills. I just need the money temporarily to help. ”
“All projects have been postponed...many others have canceled completely.
I have filed for unemployment, but I’m unsure how long it will take. ”